Category Archives: Copper-E

구배 치수가 있는 구배 원통의 종단 뷰

Die casting Design geometry

Design geometry reference : There are a number of geometric features to be considered when creating a parametric model of a die casting: Draft is the amount of slope or taper given to cores or other parts of the die cavity to allow for easy ejection of the casting from the die. All die cast

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Trapped air bubbles of Copper Rotor Conductor Bars

Trapped air bubbles Control in Copper Rotor Die Castings | 구리 로터 다이캐스팅의 다공성 제어

As is well known, high-pressure die casting is the most economical process for producing a wide variety of complex parts, as it can achieve high production rates, final shape through the small amount of processing required, excellent surface finish and properties suitable for various applications. This advantage is very important for producing squirrel cage rotor

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P-Q Squared Analysis

P-Q Squared Analysis – Korea

PQ 제곱 분석 This article is from FSI (, a developer of numerical analysis software FLOW-3D. PQ 2 분석은 목표 게이트 속도를 HPDC (고성능 다이캐스팅) 기계의 플런저 유압 시스템의 성능과 최적으로 일치시키는 데 사용되는 표준 절차입니다. PQ 2 분석을 수행하여 원하는 충전 시간과 최적의 게이트 설계를 얻을 수 있으며 , 이는 HPDC 시스템의 효율성을 극대화합니다. 물리학 PQ 2 분석의 이론적 근거는 꾸준한 비압축성 흐름에

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castman copper roter newspaper news

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR | 효성중공업 COPPER ROTOR (구리회전자) 양산 착수

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR (Copper rotor) From May 2019, the company started producing copper rotors and supplying them to Hyosung Heavy Industries. It is a rotor used for premium class (IE3) motors, and Castman is the only company in Korea to have production technology and production results.  효율등급 두 단계

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An engine block with aluminium and magnesium die castings

다이캐스팅 공정의 이점

다이캐스팅 공정의 이점 (Language:Korean) 다이캐스팅 공정은 가공 및 스탬핑과 같은 다른 제조 공정에 비해 상당한 이점을 제공하여 부품 가격과 전체 생산 비용을 크게 절감 할 수 있습니다. 다이캐스팅을 사용하면 구배 각도를 최소화하면서 복잡한 내부 및 외부 형상을 포함하여 복잡한 네트 모양을 생성하여 2 차 작업을 최소화 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 다른 생산 프로세스와 마찬가지로 구성 요소에 가장

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Innovation and Research

CASTMAN always considers how we can do better in every way. Innovation is the standard we work with as we develop advanced tools and technologies to advance the industry. This offers several important benefits. Products can be further improved while shortening lead times and reducing costs.We have the technology to develop and deliver higher strength

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Aluminum Diecasting Parts

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. With CASTMAN’s high pressure die casting, you can quickly produce complex shaped parts using highly

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Fig. 10. Efficiency versus output Power comparison


Super Premium Efficiency (IE4) Achieved!! – Characteristics test of 3-phase induction motor using copper rotors die-cast by Castman– Certification Agency : Gyeongnam Technopark Advantage of using copper die-cast rotors  Downsizing of motors Application of IE3, IE4 rotors in IE2 rotor-based motor frames Low heating due to operation : Reduction of electrical resistance due to relatively

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Cu products developments

Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method | 동 다이캐스팅 공법 적용 COOLING PLATE 양산 착수

Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method Started mass production of cooling plate using copper die casting method Built-in mass production system by applying copper die casting method for cooling plate for super computer Signed a contract with Japanese company Kaga electron with FUJIKURA. Mass production began in March 2019. Super

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Copper Die-casting Solutions

Copper Die-casting Solutions

Solutions MOLD LIFE POROSITY OPERATION CONDITION TECHNICALISSUE Damage to die due to continuous exposure to thermal stress– Thermal stress due to temperature difference in die and molten metal– Melt temperature : 1,350°C, Die temperature : 2~300°C– Temperature differ– ence of approx. 1,000°CShorter die life span compared to dies for aluminum diecasting Absence of copper die-cas-ting

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