This article introduces the paper “Vacuum Rheocasting Heat Sinks with Significantly Improved Performance”. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: The demand for heat sinks across various industries (e-mobility, telecommunications, electronics, etc.) is significantly increasing, along with stricter performance requirements. A primary requirement for heat sinks is high thermal conductivity. Pure aluminum exhibits excellent thermal conductivity (247
1. Overview: 2. Research Background: The demand for lightweight and cost-effective heat sinks is increasing. Die casting is a common and economical method for producing complex-shaped heat sinks. To reduce weight, a typical approach involves thinning the fins and base of the heat sink. Previous research explored alternative casting methods like semisolid casting, high-density casting,
This article introduces the paper “Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers via Non-Dominated Sequencing”. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Plate-fin heat exchangers are widely used for heat dissipation in automotive engines due to their compact and lightweight structure, excellent heat transfer performance, and low production cost. Serrated staggered fins are commonly employed to enhance the
This article introduces the paper “Thermo-economic optimization for the advanced material selection of fins and heat sinks”. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Fins and heat sinks are widely used thermal elements crucial for efficient heat removal. Efficient heat removal necessitates a low cost, and factors such as fin profile, material properties, surface properties, raw material