Gerry GangWangJ.P.WeilerMeridian Lightweight Technologies, Strathroy, Ontario N7G 4H6, Canada Abstract The use of magnesium alloy high pressure die cast (HPDC) components for structural applications, especially in the automotive and transportation industries, where weight reduction is of a great concern, is increasing. As new applications are developing and existing applications are becoming more complex, there is a need
Imran Zahid ab, M. Farhan a, M. Farooq a, M. Asim a, M. Imran c Abstract Electronic devices are being used extensively for different applications, where the thermal management of these devices is still a critical challenge due to rapid miniaturization, high heat flux and constantly rising temperature. Phase change materials (PCMs) based thermal management is adopted, but the low thermal conductivity limits their use in temperature-controlled electronic devices. Nano-enhanced phase change materials
J Ou1, C Wei1,2, D Maijer1, S Cockcroft1, L A2, Y Zhang2, Z Chen2 and Z Zhu2 Published under licence by IOP Publishing LtdIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 861, MCWASP XV: International Conference on Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes 22-23 June 2020, Jönköping, SwedenCitation J Ou et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 861 012030 Abstract Die (permanent) casting is one of the
Yuncan Tian, Dongye Yang, Mengqi Jiang, and Bo HeResearch Center of High-Temperature Alloy Precision Forming, School of Materials Engineering, Shanghai University ofEngineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China International Journal of Metalcasting volume 15, pages259–270 (2021)Cite this article Abstract Automobile steering knuckle is an important part of the steering system, which is subjected to significant impacts and loads during its