This page summarizes the research paper “Optimization of the Surface Geometry in Structured Cold Rolling for Interlocking of Formed and Die-Cast Metal Components” published in Defect and Diffusion Forum in 2022. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology: 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future
This page summarizes the research paper “Strength Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Window Wiper Manufactured by Die Casting,” published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers in 2016. This study investigates the feasibility of using aluminum alloy and die casting to produce lightweight and high-strength window wipers for automobiles, addressing the growing
1. Overview: 2. Research Background: The demand for heat sinks across various industries (e-mobility, telecommunications, electronics, etc.) is significantly increasing, along with stricter performance requirements. A primary requirement for heat sinks is high thermal conductivity. Pure aluminum exhibits excellent thermal conductivity (247 W/mK), but it’s challenging to cast and possesses low strength. Typical die-casting alloys
Design geometry reference : There are a number of geometric features to be considered when creating a parametric model of a die casting: Draft is the amount of slope or taper given to cores or other parts of the die cavity to allow for easy ejection of the casting from the die. All die cast