This paper introduction was written based on the [‘Design and Analysis of Permanent Mould for Small Internal Combustion Engine Piston’] published by [‘Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction The abstract of the paper states that the research addresses the issue of piston waste due to the short service
This paper summary is based on the article [‘Development of creep-resistant magnesium casting alloys for high temperature automotive applications’] presented at the [‘WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 97, 2008 WIT Press’] 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Background of the Research Topic: Magnesium alloys, owing to their low specific gravity, are highly desirable in
This paper introduction was written based on the [‘Casting of product of Al-25%Si with thin fins’] published by [‘La Metallurgia Italiana’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Recently, the demand for die-casting products with thin fins for heat sinks has increased. A383 aluminum alloy is commonly used for die-casting due to its excellent flowability. However,
This paper introduction was written based on the [‘Impact behaviour of A356 alloy for low-pressure die casting automotive wheels’] published by [‘Journal of Materials Processing Technology’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Instrumented impact strength tests have been carried out on KV sub-size Charpy samples drawn from A356 aluminium alloy 17-in. wheels, produced by a
This paper introduction was written based on the ‘Thermodynamic Design and Experiment on High Conductivity Die-casting Al-Si-Fe Aluminum Alloy for 5G Base Station Heat Sink’ published by ‘Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys’. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Abstract: In view of the inversion problem between strength and electrical (thermal) conductivity of die-cast aluminum heat
This paper introduction was written based on the [’50 Years of Foundry-Produced Metal Matrix Composites and Future Opportunities’] published by [‘Springer’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction This paper, commemorating the Golden Anniversary of the 1969 AFS paper “Dispersion of Graphite Particles in Aluminum Castings through Injection of the Melt,” provides a comprehensive review of
This paper introduction was written based on the ‘New Die Casting Alloy with High Ductility in As Cast State for Automotive Structural Components’ published by ‘Journal of the Korea Foundry Society’. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction In the pursuit of mitigating global warming, the automotive industry is persistently challenged to enhance fuel efficiency by
This paper introduction was written based on the ‘Evaluation of Thermal Stability and Its Effect on the Corrosion Behaviour of Mg-RE Alloys Processed by High-Pressure Torsion’ published by MDPI. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction This research paper evaluates and compares the microstructure, texture evolution, and corrosion behavior of low light rare-earth (LREE) containing Mg-1.4Nd
This paper introduction was written based on the [‘Applications of Magnesium and Its Alloys: A Review’] published by [‘Applied Sciences’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Magnesium is highlighted as a promising material in this review, owing to its unique combination of mechanical and biomedical properties that render it suitable for a broad spectrum of
This paper introduction was written based on the ‘Current Trends in Metallic Materials for Body Panels and Structural Members Used in the Automotive Industry’ published by ‘MDPI’. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Abstract: The development of lightweight and durable materials for car body panels and load-bearing elements in the automotive industry results from the