Tag Archives: Permanent mold casting

Six mega aluminum shape castings forming the entire lower body structure for Cadillac Celestiq vehicles

Ultra-large aluminum shape casting: Opportunities and challenges

Qi-gui Wang, Andy Wang & Jason Coryell  Abstract Ultra-large aluminum shape castings have been increasingly used in automotive vehicles, particularly in electric vehicles for light-weighting and vehicle manufacturing cost reduction. As most of them are structural components subject to both quasi-static, dynamic and cyclic loading, the quality and quantifiable performance of the ultra-large aluminum shape castings is critical

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Fig. 14. Pratt & Whitney F119 auxiliary casing in ELEKTRON WE43 alloy [37].

Magnesium casting technology for structural applications

– Core Objective of the Research: To provide a comprehensive overview of magnesium alloy melting and casting processes, examine the historical development, current status, and potential applications of structural magnesium castings, primarily focusing on the automotive industry, and discuss associated technological challenges. The increasing global demand for energy, environmental protection initiatives, and government regulations are expected

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Development and Validation using Casting Simulation of a Multi-point Remote Monitoring System for High-Pressure Die-Casting (HPDC) Mold Cavity

Development and Validation using Casting Simulation of a Multi-point Remote Monitoring System for High-Pressure Die-Casting (HPDC) Mold Cavity

Abstract This research presents the design and implementation process of a remote monitoring system for temperature and force-induced pressure measurements in the mold cavity of high-pressure die casting (HPDC). A K-type thermocouple sensor was chosen to gauge the aggressive environment inside the mold cavity. An ejector pin was adapted for the installation of this sensor,

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Figure 3. Radio filter produced by means of the RSF/RheoMetalTM process. A unique feature of this product is the weight reduction of 1.6 kg facilitated by wall thicknesses as low as 0.4 mm at 40 mm height (aspect ratio 100). High conductivity low Si alloys were used, and thermal transport properties further increased by up to 20% depending on the alloy composition by means of heat treatments, as depicted in the top right diagram by means of arrows denoting the course of the latter (images provided by Comptech AB, Skillingaryd, Sweden).

Advances in Metal Casting Technology: A Review of State of the Art, Challenges and Trends—Part II: Technologies New and Revived

Open Access by Dirk Lehmhus Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, Wiener Straße 12, 28359 Bremen, GermanyMetals 2024, 14(3), 334; https://doi.org/10.3390/met14030334Submission received: 25 February 2024 / Accepted: 8 March 2024 / Published: 14 March 2024(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Metal Casting Technology) 1. Introduction The present text is the second part of an editorial written for a

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Figure 1. High pressure die-casting [1].

An Industrial Perspective on Magnesium Alloy Wheels: A Process and Material Design

An Industrial Perspective on Magnesium Alloy Wheels: A Process and Material Design Miaomiao Wang1,21China Copper Institute of Engineering and Technology, Beijing, China.2Kunming Metallurgical Research Institute Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, Beijing, China.DOI: 10.4236/msa.2023.141002PDFHTML XML18 Downloads   134 Views Abstract Light weights wheels improve vehicle performance with respect to road handling, cornering as well providing fuel economy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Aluminum

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Fig. 3 Photographs of specimens at ambient temperature. (a) KCl–30 mol%NaCl. (b) K2CO3–50 mol% Na2CO3.

Strength of Salt Core Composed of Alkali Carbonate and Alkali Chloride Mixtures Made by Casting Technique

Jun Yaokawa, Daisuke Miura, Koichi Anzai, Youji Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshii Abstract The strength of four binary systems NaCl–Na2CO3, KCl–K2CO3, KCl–NaCl and K2CO3–Na2CO3 was investigated in order to develop expendable salt core for high pressure die casting processes. Four point bending test was conducted to determine the strength of specimens made from molten salts by using the permanent mold casting technique.

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Fig. 1. a) Pin holes observed in the top side casting; b) Blow holes observed in tapped holes; c) Porosity is observed in top side of the casting.

Numerical and experimental approach to eliminate defects in al alloy pump- crank case processed through gravity die casting route

S.AravindP.RagupathiG.VigneshDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 021, India Received 30 June 2020, Accepted 14 July 2020, Available online 14 August 2020. Abstract A numerical investigation was carried out with the help of computer based casting simulation software to eliminate defects such as shrinkage due to solidification, cracks, imperfect

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Die casting is mostly used because many parts need to be manufactured in a short amount of time (hundreds to thousands per day) with high accuracy. Parts like valve covers, wheels, transmission housings, engine block, wheel spacer, carburetor, impellers and fan clutch, alternator housing, airbag gas generator housing, etc. are all modes through the aluminum die casting method. Automobile parts require uniformity and high surface finish which can be accomplished by using casting methods that work in a controlled environment- pressure dies casting. Die casting was originally developed specifically for automotive applications [28]. The idea is to produce parts that are light, easy to handle, and cheap. Thus, die casting is widely applied to zinc and aluminum which are lighter than cast iron. Figure 2 shows the aluminum die-cast parts of a car. PEGASUS has been supplying quality aluminum die-cast auto parts to the automobile industry with our stable production system since we started this business in 2007 [27]. At present, we are supplying 60 kinds of die-cast products with our unique mold design and casting technology in addition to the processing technology we have been cultivating in the industrial sewing machine industry [29]. Aluminum or Al-Si alloys are used for Die casting. During this process, molten metal is injected at high pressure into a die (made of metal) which is a permanent mold comprising of two parts of the desired shape attached [30].

A brief review of the technology in piston machining to goal the product localization in Vietnam

Minh Quang Chau†, Danh Chan Nguyen‡*, Dinh Tuyen Nguyen‡, Viet Duc Bui‡†*† Faculty of Mechanical Technology, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam‡ Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam‡† Institute of Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology (HUTECH),

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Figure 1. Crank case specimen produced with the HPDC process.

Minimizing the Casting Defects in High Pressure Die Casting Using Taguchi Analysis

Authors Surkhail Tariq 1  Adnan Tariq   2  Manzar Masud 3  Zabdur Rehman  4 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College, University of Wah, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College, University of Wah, Wah Cantt 47040,Pakistan 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Air University

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Fig. 1. Aluminium Die Cast Parts.

Automobile Parts Casting-Methods and Materials Used: A Review

Summary of “Automobile Parts Casting-Methods and Materials Used: A Review” This material is based on the paper “Automobile Parts Casting-Methods and Materials Used: A Review” by Madhav Goenka, Chico Nihal, Rahul Ramanathan, Pratyaksh Gupta, Aman Parashar, and Joel Jb.Paper Source: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.03.518 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Objectives and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology

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