Tag Archives: Copper Die casting

Figures Thermal and corrosion properties of silicon nitride for copper die casting components

Thermal and corrosion properties of silicon nitride for copper die casting components

IyasKhaderab AlexanderRenzb AndreasKailerb DanielHaascaDepartment of Industrial Engineering, German Jordanian University, P.O. Box 35247, 11180 Amman, JordanbFraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Woehlerstr. 11, 79108 Freiburg, GermanycFCT Ingenieurkeramik GmbH, Gewerbepark 11, 96528 Frankenblick, Germany Abstract Due to the high melting temperature of copper and copper alloys, conventional die-steel components used in pressure die casting these

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Fig. 6 Distribution of temperature (the same Pouring Velocity) (a) L2; (b) L6; (c) L10; (d) L14

Numerical Simulation on Filling Optimization of Copper Rotor for High Efficient Electric Motors in Die Casting Process

Ya’nan Wu1, a, Guojie Huang1, b, Lei Cheng1,c, Daniel Liang2,d, Wei Xiao1,e1State Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metals and Processes, General Research Institute forNonferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, China2Motor System,International Copper Association Asia, Tian Zuo International Center,Beijing 100081, Chinaaynwu19@163.com, bhuangguojie@grinm.com, cchenglei@grinm.com,dDaniel.liang@copperalliance.asia, ewxiao@ustb.edu.cn Keywords: Numerical Simulation, Copper Rotors, FLOW-3D, Die Casting. Abstract The parametric optimization of process parameter

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castman copper roter newspaper news

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR | 효성중공업 COPPER ROTOR (구리회전자) 양산 착수

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR (Copper rotor) From May 2019, the company started producing copper rotors and supplying them to Hyosung Heavy Industries. It is a rotor used for premium class (IE3) motors, and Castman is the only company in Korea to have production technology and production results.  효율등급 두 단계

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Industries Served

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. At our aluminum casting worksites, dynamism and delicacy go hand in hand.

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슈퍼컴퓨터 CPU에 장착된 캐스트맨의 구리 냉각기.

日 슈퍼컴퓨터에서 캐스트맨 부품 사용

원문 : 한국경제 (https://www.hankyung.com/economy/amp/2020022708691) 캐스트맨 “日 슈퍼컴퓨터도 우리 부품 씁니다” 국내 최초 구리 다이캐스트 개발일체형 제품…내구성 인정받아지난해 매출 30억으로 2배 증가 알루미늄 다이캐스트도 첫 양산현대위아 자동차 엔진에 사용 다이캐스트는 정밀하게 제작된 금형에 구리, 알루미늄, 납 등의 금속을 넣고 강한 압력을 가하는 주조 방식이다. 치수와 모양을 한 번에 정밀히 구현할 수 있는 주조 방식으로, 단가가 낮고

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Copper Die-casting Solutions

Copper die casting offers high hardness, high corrosion resistance, the highest mechanical properties of alloy die casts, good wear resistance, good dimensional stability, good properties close to the strength of steel parts. The use of forged high-conductivity copper for busbars, power cables, household wiring and overhead lines is well established. For non-standard complex shaped components,

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Aluminum Diecasting Parts

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. With CASTMAN’s high pressure die casting, you can quickly produce complex shaped parts using highly

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Salt Core

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. With CASTMAN’s high pressure die casting, you can quickly produce complex shaped parts using highly

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Cu products developments

Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method | 동 다이캐스팅 공법 적용 COOLING PLATE 양산 착수

Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method Started mass production of cooling plate using copper die casting method Built-in mass production system by applying copper die casting method for cooling plate for super computer Signed a contract with Japanese company Kaga electron with FUJIKURA. Mass production began in March 2019. Super

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