Tag Archives: 주조 기술

Die casting is mostly used because many parts need to be manufactured in a short amount of time (hundreds to thousands per day) with high accuracy. Parts like valve covers, wheels, transmission housings, engine block, wheel spacer, carburetor, impellers and fan clutch, alternator housing, airbag gas generator housing, etc. are all modes through the aluminum die casting method. Automobile parts require uniformity and high surface finish which can be accomplished by using casting methods that work in a controlled environment- pressure dies casting. Die casting was originally developed specifically for automotive applications [28]. The idea is to produce parts that are light, easy to handle, and cheap. Thus, die casting is widely applied to zinc and aluminum which are lighter than cast iron. Figure 2 shows the aluminum die-cast parts of a car. PEGASUS has been supplying quality aluminum die-cast auto parts to the automobile industry with our stable production system since we started this business in 2007 [27]. At present, we are supplying 60 kinds of die-cast products with our unique mold design and casting technology in addition to the processing technology we have been cultivating in the industrial sewing machine industry [29]. Aluminum or Al-Si alloys are used for Die casting. During this process, molten metal is injected at high pressure into a die (made of metal) which is a permanent mold comprising of two parts of the desired shape attached [30].

A brief review of the technology in piston machining to goal the product localization in Vietnam

Minh Quang Chau†, Danh Chan Nguyen‡*, Dinh Tuyen Nguyen‡, Viet Duc Bui‡†*† Faculty of Mechanical Technology, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam‡ Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam‡† Institute of Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology (HUTECH),

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castman copper roter newspaper news

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR | 효성중공업 COPPER ROTOR (구리회전자) 양산 착수

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR (Copper rotor) From May 2019, the company started producing copper rotors and supplying them to Hyosung Heavy Industries. It is a rotor used for premium class (IE3) motors, and Castman is the only company in Korea to have production technology and production results.  효율등급 두 단계

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