고효율 전동기용 Cu Rotor의 반응고 성형과 공정변수 제어 Jung, W. S. ; Lee, S. Y. ; Shin, P. W. 정우성 (창원대학교 재료공학과) ; 이상용 (안동대학교 신소재공학부) ; 신평우 (창원대학교 재료공학과) Abstract Rotor in small-medium induction motor has been usually manufactured by aluminum diecasting. In order to improve the efficiency of induction motors, newly developed Cu-Ca alloys have been investigated. The
용탕단조 시 저온염코어 적용 가압력의 영향 Lee, Jun-Ho (R & D Division for Hyundai Motor Co. & Kia Motors Corp.) ; Moon, J.H. (R & D Center, Dong Yang Piston Co., LTD.) ; Lee, Dock-Young (Division of Materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 이준호 (현대자동차 기술연구소) ; 문중화 (동양피스톤(주)) ; 이덕영 (한국과학기술연구원 기능금속재료연구센터) Abstract A new concept of salt core,
수용성 염핵의 물리적 특성에 대한 조성의 영향 Cihan Cantas & Bedri Baksan International Journal of Metalcasting volume 15, pages839–851 (2021)Cite this article 175 Accesses 1 Citations Metrics Abstract The demand for producing essential cast parts and the design requirements for superior engineering performance have increased in recent years. Sand cores used in conventional aluminum cast parts are harmful to the environment,
Suo Tu, Fuchu Liu, Guanjin Li, Wenming Jiang, Xinwang Liu & Zitian Fan Abstract A water-soluble salt core (WSSC) strengthened by reinforcing particles, including bauxite powder, glass fiber powder, and sericite powder, was fabricated by gravity-casting process. The surface quality, bending strength, water solubility, humidity resistance, and shrinkage rate of WSSC were investigated, and the synergistic
John G. CowieCopper Development Associations Inc.New York, NY Dale T. PetersConsultant to CDA Inc.Hilton Head Island, SC Edwin F. Brush, Jr.Consultant to CDA Inc.Weston, MA Stephen P. MidsonFormcast, Inc.Denver, CO Articles on materials appearing in materials issues have generally focused on the common aluminum-, zinc- and magnesium-based die casting alloys. This report differs in that
Amit Sakhuja and Jerald R. Brevick Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 712, 1881 (2004); doi: 10.1063/1.1766807View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1766807View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/712?ver=pdfcovPublished by the AIP Publishing Abstract Recent research by the Copper Development Association (CDA) has demonstrated the feasibility of diecasting electric motor rotors using copper [1]. Electric motors using copper rotors are significantly more energyRecent
Soby T. Varghese; K. R. Rajagopal; Bhim Singh Abstract t is well known in the market that the copper rotor motor can give good efficiency at par with the new era motors, and can handle higher temperatures to qualify for electric vehicle application. Being a heavy metal, die-cast copper rotor manufacturing needs absolute care for faithful rotor
다이캐스트 구리 모터 로터: 구리와 알루미늄 모터 테스트 비교 결과 Edwin F. BrushJr.John G. CowieDale T. PetersDarryl J. Van Son Abstract Motor manufacturers have long realized that because the electrical conductivity of copper is nearly 60% higher than that of aluminum, substituting copper for aluminum in the squirrel cage of the induction motor would markedly increase the electrical energy efficiency of the machine. Most
구리 다이캐스팅으로 IE4 효율 수준을 달성하기 위한 15kW, 2극 유도 전동기의 설계 최적화 Abstract This paper describes the design and simulation of 15 kW, 2 pole, 50 Hz, three phase induction motor to achieve IE4 efficiency level as defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). For achieving higher efficiency, the motor is designed, optimized and
압력 다이 캐스팅에서 구리 합금 다이의 열 거동에 대한 실험적 조사 L. D. Clark, M. T. Alonso Rasgado, K. Davey, S. Hinduja Author and Article InformationJ. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Nov 2006, 128(4): 844-859 (16 pages)https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2280586Published Online: February 3, 2006 Abstract The rate of heat extraction during the pressure die casting process is central to both the quality and the