Tag Archives: Thin films

Figure 2. Throttle body with the marked value of the bearing surface roughness specified by the customer (Ra = max. 2.5 μm).

Study of PVD-Coated Inserts’ Lifetime in High-Pressure Die Casting Regarding the Requirements for Surface Quality of Castings

by Andrea Sütőová 1,*, Róbert Kočiško 1,*, Patrik Petroušek 1, Martin Kotus 2, Ivan Petryshynets 3 and Andrii Pylypenko 4 Abstract The wear and degradation of tools applied in the high-pressure die casting of Al alloys induce significant financial losses. The formation of failures on the surface of mold parts caused by erosion, thermal fatigue, corrosion, and soldering negatively affects the surface quality

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Fig. 1. TiN- and Ti(B,N)-coated core with the corresponding cast.

Application of wear-resistant PACVD coatings in aluminium diecasting: economical and ecological aspects

Author links open overlay panelC.PfohlaA.Gebauer-TeichmannbK.-T.Rieaa Institut für Oberflächentechnik und Plasmatechnische Werkstoffentwicklung, TU Braunschweig, Bienroder Weg 53, D-38108 Braunschweig, Germanyb Fraunhofer Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik, Braunschweig, Germany Abstract One of the major manufacturing techniques for aluminium precision parts is the pressure diecasting process. However, nowadays the state of the art involves the application of large

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