Tag Archives: Review

Figure 3. Radio filter produced by means of the RSF/RheoMetalTM process. A unique feature of this product is the weight reduction of 1.6 kg facilitated by wall thicknesses as low as 0.4 mm at 40 mm height (aspect ratio 100). High conductivity low Si alloys were used, and thermal transport properties further increased by up to 20% depending on the alloy composition by means of heat treatments, as depicted in the top right diagram by means of arrows denoting the course of the latter (images provided by Comptech AB, Skillingaryd, Sweden).

Advances in Metal Casting Technology: A Review of State of the Art, Challenges and Trends—Part II: Technologies New and Revived

This article introduces the paper ‘Advances in Metal Casting Technology: A Review of State of the Art, Challenges and Trends—Part II: Technologies New and Revived’ published by MDPI. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction The present text, as the second part of an editorial for the Special Issue “Advances in Metal Casting Technology,” builds upon

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Warm forming of High-strength Aluminum alloys for the Automotive industry

Warm forming of High-strength Aluminum alloys for the Automotive industry

This article introduces the paper [‘Warm forming of High-strength Aluminum alloys for the Automotive industry’] published by [‘Politecnico di Torino’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction The aim of this thesis is to give a brief overview of some experiments on the high-strength aluminum alloys of the 6xxx and 7xxx series and to analyse their

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Fig. 1.Some automotive components made of Mg alloy and obtained weight reduction[14]

A Review on Corrosion behaviour of Mn added Magnesium and its alloys

This article introduces the paper [‘A Review on Corrosion behaviour of Mn added Magnesium and its alloys’] published by [‘International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction This research review elucidates the corrosion behavior of Manganese (Mn) added Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys. Magnesium, the lightest of all

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Figure 3: Effect of Zn content on the yield strength of crossover alloys. Plots in (a) after stabilization (250°C/1 h) [109]; (b) after solutionizing and natural aging for 60 days, where onset of serrated flow is shifted to higher strain levels [114]; (c) engineering stress-strain curves after solution annealing (430°C/10 min) and quenching; (d) engineering stress-strain curves after aging for 24 h at 120°C [117]. (Reprinted from [109,114,117] with permission from Elsevier and Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.)

On the potential of aluminum crossover alloys

This article introduces the paper [‘On the potential of aluminum crossover alloys’] published by [‘Elsevier’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction The abstract of the paper states: “For almost a century commercial aluminum alloys were developed and optimized for high performance in a specific and narrow range of application, which commonly coincides with their industrial

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FIGURE 2. Light Vehicle Metallic Material Trends, North America [12, 13]

Advanced materials used in automotive industry-a review

This article introduces the paper [‘Advanced materials used in automotive industry-a review’] published by [‘AIP Publishing’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction Abstract:This review paper reveals about the lightweight materials impacting the economy, efficiency and the performance of the automobile. Carbon fiber and aluminum has a tendency to be a lighter material when contrasted with

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Figure 1: Reference automotive backrest frame constructed from high-pressure die-cast AM50 Magnesium Alloy (Total Mass = 1.8 kg)

Topology and Free Size Optimization with Manufacturing Constraints for Lightweight Die Cast Automotive Backrest Frame

This article introduces the paper “Topology and Free Size Optimization with Manufacturing Constraints for Lightweight Die Cast Automotive Backrest Frame,” presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2009). 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Objectives and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology: 5. Key Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future

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Fig.1 Connection of Rear Suspension to Body experımental procedure

Aluminium High Pressure Die Casting Application on Rear Frame Rails

This article introduces the paper [‘Aluminium High Pressure Die Casting Application on Rear Frame Rails’] published by [‘European Mechanical Science’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction In the face of intense competition and stringent environmental regulations within the automotive sector, manufacturers are increasingly adopting materials that offer superior mechanical properties and contribute to lightweighting, moving

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Figure Room temperature tensile properties of H-13 steel in relation to hardness and Charpy V-notch impact energy (Ref. 44)

Aerospace and High Performance Alloys Database Ferrous • FeUH H-13

This article introduces the paper “Aerospace and High Performance Alloys Database Ferrous • FeUH H-13 August 2008” published by “CINDAS LLC”. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction 1.0 General This medium alloy, martensitic, air hardening, Ultrahigh-strength steel is similar to H-11 and H 11 Mod in composition, heat treatment, and many properties. The steels H-11,

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Figure 2. Number of papers on Cast MMCs published from 1988 to 2018. 3

50 Years of Foundry Produced Metal Matrix Composites and Future Opportunities

This article introduces the paper ’50 Years of Foundry Produced Metal Matrix Composites and Future Opportunities’ published by ‘2019 AFS Proceedings of the 123rd Metalcasting Congress’. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction View Page This is the Golden Anniversary paper of the 1969 AFS paper “Dispersion of Graphite Particles in Aluminum Castings through Injection of

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Figure 2.2-13 Ashby maps for comparison of strength and cost of materials


This article introduces the paper [‘LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN OF VEHICLE SIDE DOOR’] published by [‘POLITECNICO DI TORINO’]. 1. Overview: 2. Abstracts or Introduction The thesis addresses the increasing environmental concerns regarding Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and stringent government regulations on vehicle safety, which necessitate the automotive industry to adopt new technologies for lighter and safer

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