Tag Archives: High pressure die casting

Fig. 1. casting schematic including three tensile bars with one diameter of 6.4 mm at the center and one plate sample with a thickness of 2.5 mm

3D characterization of pores expansion behavior in high pressure die castings during heat treatment

This paper summary is based on the article [‘3D characterization of pores expansion behavior in high pressure die castings during heat treatment’] presented at the [‘SSRN’] 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Background of the Research Topic: Heat treatment is a well-established method for enhancing the mechanical properties of as-cast components by modifying phase composition and

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Figure 7. (a) Graphical illustration of a cold-chamber die casting machine. (b) Casting cycle for cold-chamber die casting [14].

Al Alloys and Casting Processes for BEV Induction Motors

Paper Summary:This paper summary is based on the article Al Alloys and Casting Processes for Induction Motor Applications in Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles: A Review presented at the MDPI Metals 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: The increasing environmental concerns and the rapid growth of the battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV) industry have significantly driven research into lightweight

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Fig. 1. Engine bracket (chassis system) made from the JDA1 aluminum alloy. (a) Design drawings; (b) and (c) photograph of the casted component.

Automobile Lightweight Technology: Development Trends of Aluminum/Magnesium Alloys and Their Forming Technologies

1. Overview: 2. Background: China is facing severe energy consumption, safety, and environmental problems due to continuous increases in vehicle production and ownership. Vehicle lightweighting technology is crucial for the sustainable development of the automotive industry, improving fuel economy, and reducing emissions. Lightweighting technologies comprise three primary components: lightweight designs, lightweight materials, and lightweight manufacturing

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Fig. 1. Sampling locations for fatigue testing and metallographic examination.

Fatigue behavior of A356-T6 aluminum cast alloys. Part I. Effect of casting defects

This paper summary is based on the article [‘Fatigue behavior of A356-T6 aluminum cast alloys. Part I. Effect of casting defects’] presented at the [‘Journal of Light Metals’] 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Background of the Research Topic: Cast aluminum alloys are increasingly utilized in the automotive sector owing to their superior castability, corrosion resistance,

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Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of spray/blow after part ejection.

A complete computer aided engineering (CAE) modelling and optimization of high pressure die casting (HPDC) process

This paper summary is based on the article “A complete computer aided engineering (CAE) modelling and optimization of high pressure die casting (HPDC) process” presented in the Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology: 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future

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Figure 1. MMLV concept vehicle

Aluminum High-Pressure Vacuum Die Casting Applications for the Multi-Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Body Structure

1. Overview: 2. Research Background: This research stemmed from the Multi-Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) project, a collaborative effort initiated in 2012 by Magna International, the U.S. Department of Energy, and Ford Motor Company. The societal impetus was the need for improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions through vehicle weight reduction. The research addressed limitations of

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Figure 7. Water testing results for Fr unmatched (left) vs. Fr matched (right) (a) 0.5 s after pullingplug, (b) 0.74 s (c) 1 s, (d) 1.24 s.

A Novel Approach to Visualize Liquid Aluminum Flow to Advance Casting Science

This paper summary is based on the article “A Novel Approach to Visualize Liquid Aluminum Flow to Advance Casting Science” presented at the “MDPI Materials” 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Social/Academic Context of the Research Topic:In sand-casting, turbulent filling of molten metal is a well-known precursor to casting defects such as bi-films, porosity, and oxide

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Fig.5: (a) Hollow aluminum casting; and (b) welded engine cradle for Cadillac CTS

Advanced Casting Technologies for Lightweight Automotive Applications

1. Overview: 2. Background: Lightweighting in the automotive industry is crucial for improving fuel efficiency. Aluminum and magnesium castings have been utilized for this purpose for a considerable time, gaining significant traction since the mid-1970s. Aluminum castings offer a 30-50% mass reduction compared to steel, while magnesium castings provide a 40-60% reduction. However, existing aluminum

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Fig 5a: Shows the 3 main zones (boss) which are mandatory for this part to be considered porosity free

Added Value of Process Modelling in Development of Automotive Die Casting Parts

This paper summary is based on the article [Added Value of Process Modelling in Development of Automotive Die Casting Parts] presented at the [Japan Die Casting Congress] 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: The automotive industry increasingly demands high-performance castings with superior mechanical properties and structural integrity. While Gravity and Low Pressure Die Casting are traditionally

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Fig. 1: Geometry of Ladder frame part used for simulation

Numerical determination of process parameters for fabrication of automotive component

This paper summary is based on the article Numerical determination of process parameters for fabrication of automotive component presented at the Conference Tools for Materials Science & Technology (MSE 2010) 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future Follow-up

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