Tag Archives: Die casting

Figure 11. Micrographs of fractured (a) α-Al15(Fe,Mn,Cr)3Si2 particle and (b) β-Al5FeSi platelet after wear testing.

Designing Wear-Resistant Diecast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) Alloys for High-Temperature Components

This paper summary is based on the article [Design of Wear-Resistant Diecast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) Alloys for High-Temperature Components] published in the journal [Metals]. 1. Paper Overview This research focuses on enhancing the AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloy with iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and chromium (Cr) to develop wear-resistant diecast aluminum-silicon-copper alloys suitable for high-temperature applications. Several alloys with varying

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Figure 1: Inner side of the moving die (a) and the geometry with four test cases two-holes, steps, threecan and u-profiles (b) and the shown in a)

Combined Defect Prediction for Large-Area Die-Cast Components Using High-Resolution Multi-Phase Simulation

1. Overview 2. Research Background 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions 4. Research Methodology 5. Main Research Results 6. Conclusion and Discussion 7. Future Follow-up Research 8. References 9. Copyright This material was summarized based on the above paper, and unauthorized use for commercial purposes is prohibited.Copyright © 2025 CASTMAN. All rights reserved.

Fig. 1 Pictures of one of the better castings a and c die temperature 250 °C and injection velocity 2.0 m/s, and worst castings b and d die temperature 180 °C and injection velocity 1.3 m/s for AS31

Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of High-Pressure Die-Cast Magnesium-Aluminium Based Alloys

1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future Follow-up Research: 8. References: 9. Copyright: This material was summarized based on the above paper, and unauthorized use for commercial purposes is prohibited.Copyright © 2025 CASTMAN. All rights reserved.

Fig. 2. Improved part design

Magnesium Alloys and Applications in Automotive Industry

1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future Follow-up Research: 8. References: 9. Copyright: This material was summarized based on the above paper, and unauthorized use for commercial purposes is prohibited.Copyright © 2025 CASTMAN. All rights reserved.

Figure 9 A part of Al die cast product where internal soundness was improved by the application of DHA-THERMO core pins

High Thermal Conductivity Steel and its Application to Die Casting Tools

This paper summary is based on the article “High Thermal Conductivity Steel and its Application to Die Casting Tools” presented at the NADCA Die Casting Congress & Exposition in 2012. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology: 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future Follow-up

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Figure 2. EPMA micrograph and chemical element distribution maps of crept AA365 alloy at 373 K: Al, Mg, Fe, Si, Mn

Evaluation of Corrosion Behavior on Crept AlSi10MnMg (AA365) Alloy Produced by High-Pressure Die-Casting (HPDC)

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the corrosion behavior of crept AlSi10MnMg (AA365) alloy, a material widely used in automotive components exposed to high temperatures and corrosive environments. The study investigates the correlation between corrosion resistance and the microstructure, specifically focusing on intermetallic compounds and micro-voids formed under different creep temperatures. 1. Overview: 2.

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Fig.6 Fluid field simulation result

Fatigue behavior of magnesium alloy and application in auto steering wheel frame

This blog post summarizes the research paper titled “Fatigue behavior of magnesium alloy and application in auto steering wheel frame,” published in Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China in 2008. This paper investigates the low-cycle fatigue properties of die-cast magnesium alloys and their application in automotive steering wheel frames. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background:

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Fig. 1. The components of intermetallic phases examined using XRD and TEM in the Mg4LaxAl (x ¼ 08, wt.%) alloys fabricated by gravity die casting. The purple dotted lines correspond to the critical Al/La ratio for the formation of certain simplex intermetallic phase, and the dotted gray area corresponds to the Al/La range where only Mg12La phase forms. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Developing a die casting magnesium alloy with excellent mechanical performance by controlling intermetallic phase

1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology: 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and Discussion: 7. Future Follow-up Research: 8. References: 9. Copyright: This material was summarized based on the above paper, and unauthorized use for commercial purposes is prohibited.Copyright © 2025 CASTMAN. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the rheodiecasting (RDC) process.

Development of the Rheo-Diecasting Process for Mg-Alloys

This paper summary is based on the research article “Development of the Rheo-Diecasting Process for Mg-Alloys” by Z. Fan, S. Ji, and G. Liu, published in Materials Science Forum Vols. 488-489 (2005), pages 405-412. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and Research Questions: 4. Research Methodology 5. Main Research Results: 6. Conclusion and

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Fig. 1. Design comparison with steel armrest and magnesium armrest design.

Development of a bus armrest fabrication process with a high-vacuum, high-pressure die-casting process using the AM60 alloy

This blog post summarizes the research paper “Development of a bus armrest fabrication process with a high-vacuum, high-pressure die-casting process using the AM60 alloy”. This paper explores the use of magnesium alloy and a specialized die-casting process to create a lighter and more efficient bus armrest. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: 3. Research Purpose and

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