Tag Archives: Salt Core

사진설명현대차 이지용(왼쪽)·이철웅 책임연구원, 캐스트맨 홍기원 연구소장(가운데).

Castman and Hyundai Motor Company’s “high-quality exhaust gas mixing device made by high-pressure casting by applying a high-strength salt core” won the iR52 Jang Young-sil Award

초경량 차량 연비개선 장치…원가 30% 절감 : 매일경제 이종화 기자 Castman and Hyundai Motor Company’s “high-quality exhaust gas mixing device made by high-pressure casting by applying a high-strength salt core” won the iR52 Jang Young-sil Award in the 8th week of 2021. The exhaust gas mixing device is a device that supplies the exhaust gas and compressed gas cooled

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Figure 12. The casting part with salt core that comes out of the casting mold.

Method of producing salt cores for use in die casting

Sand casting and semi-permanent mold casting are generally more complex than die casting, and the design function must be compatible with the opening and closing of the die in the horizontal direction. If you’re using CASTMAN’s salt core, you don’t have to.The core is made by die casting, these die casting salt cores are placed

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Innovation and Research

CASTMAN always considers how we can do better in every way. Innovation is the standard we work with as we develop advanced tools and technologies to advance the industry. This offers several important benefits. Products can be further improved while shortening lead times and reducing costs.We have the technology to develop and deliver higher strength

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Aluminum Diecasting Parts

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. With CASTMAN’s high pressure die casting, you can quickly produce complex shaped parts using highly

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Salt Core

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. With CASTMAN’s high pressure die casting, you can quickly produce complex shaped parts using highly

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Started mass production of EGR Mixer | EGR MIXER 양산 확정

Started mass production of EGR Mixer Castman started mass production of EGR Mixer die casting using the salt core method for the first time in the world based on its excellent technology.  EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation), an exhaust gas recirculation device for automobile engines, is a device introduced to achieve the European diesel engine pollutant

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CASTMAN’s Products “High-quality die casting : Copper Roter / Salt Core Diecasting / Copper, Brass, Aluminum Parts.” CASTMAN, with its rich experience and technological prowess in high-pressure die casting, offers cutting-edge diecasting solutions for diverse industries. The innovative use of salt core technology, expertise in materials like copper and aluminum, and a commitment to quality

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