Tag Archives: CAD

Industries Served

CASTMAN has been introducing outstanding die-casting products through leading activities in the die-casting industry, and continuously contributing to the manufacturing industry. High pressure die casting is often an excellent process for quickly manufacturing many parts and has a high level of engineering skills. At our aluminum casting worksites, dynamism and delicacy go hand in hand.

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사진설명현대차 이지용(왼쪽)·이철웅 책임연구원, 캐스트맨 홍기원 연구소장(가운데).

Castman and Hyundai Motor Company’s “high-quality exhaust gas mixing device made by high-pressure casting by applying a high-strength salt core” won the iR52 Jang Young-sil Award

초경량 차량 연비개선 장치…원가 30% 절감 : 매일경제 이종화 기자 Castman and Hyundai Motor Company’s “high-quality exhaust gas mixing device made by high-pressure casting by applying a high-strength salt core” won the iR52 Jang Young-sil Award in the 8th week of 2021. The exhaust gas mixing device is a device that supplies the exhaust gas and compressed gas cooled

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