Tag Archives: Review

Development of High-Ductility and Low-Hot-Tearing-Susceptibility Non-heat Treatment Al–Mg–Mn-Based Die Casting Alloy for Automotive Structural Parts

Development of High-Ductility and Low-Hot-Tearing-Susceptibility Non-heat Treatment Al–Mg–Mn-Based Die Casting Alloy for Automotive Structural Parts

International Journal of Metalcasting (2023)Cite this article Abstract Non-heat-treated Al–Mg-based die casting alloys have been developed for the structural parts of automobiles. In previous studies, alloy compositions with at least 1.0%Si have been proposed to reduce the hot tearing susceptibility (HTS). On the other hand, the increase in the Si content reduces the ductility. For some

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Figure 4. General scheme of the LPC cycle [33].

Low- and High-Pressure Casting Aluminum Alloys: A Review

WRITTEN BY Helder Nunes, Omid Emadinia, Manuel F. Vieira and Ana Reis Submitted: December 5th, 2022 Reviewed: January 7th, 2023 Published: February 3rd, 2023 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109869 FROM THE EDITED VOLUME Recent Advancements in Aluminum Alloys [Working Title] Dr. Shashanka Rajendrachari CHAPTER METRICS OVERVIEW 13 Chapter DownloadsView Full Metrics REGISTER TO DOWNLOAD FOR FREE Share Cite ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Abstract Low-

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Figure 8(a) Inverse pole figure maps for halite grains with large Kristallbrocken grains labelled 1–5. (b) Pole figures of fine-grained matrix halite excluding five Kristallbrocken grains show no significant crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). (c) Kernel average misorientation (KAM) map overlaid with white low- and high-angle grain boundaries (misorientation >5∘). KAM map was calculated over a distance of 40 µm (second neighbour) with a threshold of 3∘ in order to enhance the small-angle subgrain boundaries. KAM shows subgrain-free matrix halite with few exceptions in large matrix halite grains, Kristallbrocken 1 and 5 with subgrains, and subgrains in boudin necks of Kristallbrocken 3 and 4. (d) Cumulative reference orientation deviation map over the areas of Kristallbrocken 3 and 4, based on more highly resolved EBSD measurements. Reference points for each of the two grains are indicated. Panels (a) and (b) consist of 30 individual measurements, which due to image distortion under 70∘ tilt cannot be stitched perfectly. Therefore, in some cases an artificial separation of areas belonging to the same grain is visible

Large grain-size-dependent rheology contrasts of halite at low differential stress: evidence from microstructural study of naturally deformed gneissic Zechstein 2 rock salt (Kristallbrockensalz) from the northern Netherlands

Jessica Barabasch,Joyce Schmatz,Jop Klaver,Alexander Schwedt,and Janos L. Urai Abstract Constitutive laws to predict long-term deformation of solution-mined caverns and radioactive-waste repositories in rock salt play an important role in the energy transition. Much of this deformation is at differential stresses of a few megapascals, while the vast majority of laboratory measurements are at much higher differential

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Figure 3. Casting of SB 55 variant with gating system.

Influence of HPDC Process Parameters on the Microstructure of EC Electromotor Housing

Influence of HPDC Process Parameters on the Microstructure of EC Electromotor Housing Marek Brůna 1, Martin Medňanský 1,*, Marek Matejka 1 and Radka Podprocká 2 1Department of Technological Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia 2Rosenberg-Slovakia s.r.o., Kováčska 38, 044 25 Medzev, Slovakia *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Metals 2023, 13(2), 295; https://doi.org/10.3390/met13020295 Received:

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Figure 1. High pressure die-casting [1].

An Industrial Perspective on Magnesium Alloy Wheels: A Process and Material Design

An Industrial Perspective on Magnesium Alloy Wheels: A Process and Material Design Miaomiao Wang1,21China Copper Institute of Engineering and Technology, Beijing, China.2Kunming Metallurgical Research Institute Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, Beijing, China.DOI: 10.4236/msa.2023.141002PDFHTML XML18 Downloads   134 Views Abstract Light weights wheels improve vehicle performance with respect to road handling, cornering as well providing fuel economy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Aluminum

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Figure 9- Left: Schematics of a conventional HPDC cold chamber machine [14]; Right: Typical layout of a component produced by a cold chamber machine [15].

High Pressure Die Casting of Zamak Alloys

Steven Richard Pires de OliveiraDissertação de MestradoOrientador na FEUP: Prof. Doutor Rui Jorge de Lemos NetoOrientador no INEGI: Doutora Inês Vieira de Oliveira Abstract The high pressure die casting process has undergone major advances in recent years, due to its increasing use in the automotive sector. Although aluminum alloys are the most widely used, the

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Al Alloys and Manufacturing Processes for Lightweight Applications in Electric Vehicles

Al Alloys and Manufacturing Processes for Lightweight Applications in Electric Vehicles

Abstract. Due to increasing environmental concerns, battery-powered electric vehicles (BEV) have gained popularity in the automotive for the past few years. An induction motor is an essential component of the propulsion system in integrated BEVs working on different operating conditions [1]. Since a rotor of the induction motor is configured with an electrical sheet, a

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Fig. 2—Surface appearances of the alloy 360 in the as-cast condition and after different solution-treatment schedules. Metal velocity at the gate was 26 m/s.

Heat Treatment of High-Pressure Die Castings

고압 다이캐스팅의 열처리 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A volume 38, pages2564–2574 (2007)Cite this article Abstract High-pressure die-cast Al alloys cannot normally be heated at high temperatures due to the presence of pores containing entrapped gases, which lead to the formation of surface blisters. It has been found that blistering can be avoided by using considerably shorter solution-treatment times

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Fig. 1. The as-cast microstructure of the Al–Si–Cu alloy containing 0.1 wt.% Fe. (a) Optical micrograph showing the overall microstructure; (b) SEM image showing the morphology of eutectic Si phase in the deeply etched sample; (c) backscattered SEM micrograph showing the distribution of Fe-and Cu-rich intermetallic phases (inset: the fine compact α-AlFeMnSi intermetallics); and (d) SEM image showing the morphology of Al2Cu phase (inset: the irregular AlCuMgSi intermetallics).

Effect of heat treatment and Fe content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of die cast Al–Si–Cu alloys

HailinYangabShouxunJiaZhongyunFanaShow moreAdd to MendeleyShareCite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2015.07.074Get rights and content Highlights • Solution and ageing significantly improve the tensile strength of die-cast Al–Si–Cu alloy. • Low Fe is necessary for improving the ductility in the solution and aged alloy. • Cu-rich phase is dissolved during solutionising of die-cast Al–Si–Cu alloy. • θ′ and Q′ precipitates co-exist in

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Fabrication and Characterization of High-strength Water-soluble Composite Salt Cores via Layered Extrusion Forming

Fabrication and Characterization of High-strength Water-soluble Composite Salt Cores via Layered Extrusion Forming

Zheng Chen,  Suo Fan,  Lei Peng,  Yincheng Wang,  Xiaolong Gong,  Xinwang Liu &  Zitian Fan  International Journal of Metalcasting (2022)Cite this article 67 Accesses Metricsdetails Abstract This paper presents a novel process for preparing high-strength water-soluble salt cores with complex structure via layered extrusion forming using K2SO4 and KCl as the base salt materials, which is suitable for manufacturing

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