This article introduces the paper “Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers via Non-Dominated Sequencing”. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Plate-fin heat exchangers are widely used for heat dissipation in automotive engines due to their compact and lightweight structure, excellent heat transfer performance, and low production cost. Serrated staggered fins are commonly employed to enhance the
This article introduces the paper “Thermo-economic optimization for the advanced material selection of fins and heat sinks”. 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: Fins and heat sinks are widely used thermal elements crucial for efficient heat removal. Efficient heat removal necessitates a low cost, and factors such as fin profile, material properties, surface properties, raw material
This article introduces the paper “Influence of Vacuum Support on the Fatigue Life of AlSi9Cu3(Fe) Aluminum Alloy Die Castings”. Summary – Core Research Objective: To compare the high-cycle fatigue behavior of AlSi9Cu3(Fe) aluminum alloy die castings produced using high-pressure die casting (HPDC) and vacuum-assisted die casting (VPDC) processes, and to elucidate the influence of casting defects
This article introduces the paper “Mega-casting in the automotive production system: Expert interview-based impact analysis of large-format aluminium high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) on the vehicle production”. Peter Burggräf a, Georg Bergweiler b, Stefan Kehrer b, Tobias Krawczyk b, Falko Fiedler bShow moreAdd to MendeleyShareCite rights and content Abstract Since the revolutionary invention of the conveyor-belt production by Henry Ford in 1913, market player mainly evolved a unique selling point through
This article introduces the paper “Recent developments in high-pressure die-cast magnesium alloys for automotive and future applications”. Gerry GangWangJ.P.WeilerMeridian Lightweight Technologies, Strathroy, Ontario N7G 4H6, Canada Abstract The use of magnesium alloy high pressure die cast (HPDC) components for structural applications, especially in the automotive and transportation industries, where weight reduction is of a great concern, is
This article introduces the paper “Influence of introducing Zr, Ti, Nb and Ce elements on externally solidified crystals and mechanical properties of high-pressure die-casting Al–Si alloy”. Keywords : aluminium alloy high Abstract High pressure die casting (HPDC) AlSi10MnMg alloy castings are widely used in the automobile industry. Mg can optimize the mechanical properties of castings
This paper summary is based on the article Automobile Parts Casting-Methods and Materials Used: A Review presented at the Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier 1. Overview: 2. Research Background: In the contemporary automotive industry, a paramount objective for manufacturers is the reduction of vehicle kerb weight while simultaneously enhancing component strength to adhere to stringent safety
Title: Application of Cores and Binders in Metalcasting – Core Research Objective: To provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and recent global advancements in core and binder technologies used in metalcasting processes. The study focuses particularly on inorganic binders, which have gained renewed interest. The aim is to describe the basic technical characteristics of salt
You have full access to this open access articleThe International Journal of Life Cycle AssessmentAims and scopeSubmit manuscriptSocial hotspots in the automotive industry’s aluminum value chains—combining primary and generic data Download PDF Abstract Purpose The automotive industry and its suppliers have been facing increasing challenges in the sustainable sourcing of raw materials on environmental and
Jian Yang ab, Bo Liu ab, Yunbo Zeng c, Yiben Zhang ab, Haiyou Huang de, Jichao Hong bShow moreAdd to MendeleyShareCite rights and content Abstract This research aims to provide a solution to the scarcity and fragmentation of industrial data on die casting aluminum alloys. Quantifying the coupling between die casting process-composition-properties of aluminum alloys through small datasets, is a critical step in predicting part properties and optimizing process selection. To