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Ultra-large aluminum shape castings have been increasingly used in automotive vehicles, particularly in electric vehicles for light-weighting and vehicle manufacturing cost reduction. As most of them are structural components subject to both quasi-static, dynamic and cyclic loading, the quality and quantifiable performance of the ultra-large aluminum shape castings is critical to their success in both design and manufacturing. This paper briefly reviews some application examples of ultra-large aluminum castings in automotive industry and outlines their advantages and benefits. Factors affecting quality, microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-large aluminum castings are evaluated and discussed as aluminum shape casting processing is very complex and often involves many competing mechanisms, multi-physics phenomena, and potentially large uncertainties that significantly influence the casting quality and performance. Metallurgical analysis and mechanical property assessment of an ultra-large aluminum shape casting are presented. Challenges are highlighted and suggestions are made for robust design and manufacturing of ultra-large aluminum castings.
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