Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries’ COPPER ROTOR (Copper rotor) From May 2019, the company started producing copper rotors and supplying them to Hyosung Heavy Industries. It is a rotor used for premium class (IE3) motors, and Castman is the only company in Korea to have production technology and production results. 효율등급 두 단계
Craving In-Person Classes? Check Out NADCA’s National Course Schedule for Spring 2021 원문 링크 : Craving In-Person Classes? Check Out NADCA’s National Course Schedule for Spring 2021 It’s time to get back at it! This spring we will be holding a series of courses at our Headquarters in Arlington Heights, IL. From May 19 to
Visit Orginal Text for more information! CASTMAN was selected by the Small and Medium Business Administration of Korea (Minister Park Young-sun, hereinafter the Minister of Energy of Small and Medium Business) and the Ministry of Environment (Minister Cho Jung-rae) as 41 promising green new deal companies that will actively respond to future climate change. 캐스트맨 녹색혁신을 선도할
초경량 차량 연비개선 장치…원가 30% 절감 : 매일경제 이종화 기자 Castman and Hyundai Motor Company’s “high-quality exhaust gas mixing device made by high-pressure casting by applying a high-strength salt core” won the iR52 Jang Young-sil Award in the 8th week of 2021. The exhaust gas mixing device is a device that supplies the exhaust gas and compressed gas cooled
The 2021 Die Casting Congress & Exposition Congress & Exposition October 4-6, 2021Indianapolis, IN Indiana Convention Center100 S. Capitol AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46225 The 2021 Die Casting Congress & Exposition, a must-attend event for anyone in the die casting industry, will be held October 4-6, 2021, at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN. This event will
Online Education System NADCA Offers self paced education online through the online education system. Online education and training offers students the convenience of taking courses anywhere and the ability to complete courses at their own pace. In addition, companies and individuals can save money on travel expenses and reduce time away from the office. The online
원문 : 한국경제 ( 캐스트맨 “日 슈퍼컴퓨터도 우리 부품 씁니다” 국내 최초 구리 다이캐스트 개발일체형 제품…내구성 인정받아지난해 매출 30억으로 2배 증가 알루미늄 다이캐스트도 첫 양산현대위아 자동차 엔진에 사용 다이캐스트는 정밀하게 제작된 금형에 구리, 알루미늄, 납 등의 금속을 넣고 강한 압력을 가하는 주조 방식이다. 치수와 모양을 한 번에 정밀히 구현할 수 있는 주조 방식으로, 단가가 낮고
Tired of finding another supplier to manufacture your parts? CASTMAN is one of the few high-tech suppliers in Korea today and provides a one-stop solution for your die casting needs. We provide services at every stage, from initial concept or engineering drawings to fully functional parts. During the development phase, rapid prototype samples can be
Super Premium Efficiency (IE4) Achieved!! – Characteristics test of 3-phase induction motor using copper rotors die-cast by Castman– Certification Agency : Gyeongnam Technopark Advantage of using copper die-cast rotors Downsizing of motors Application of IE3, IE4 rotors in IE2 rotor-based motor frames Low heating due to operation : Reduction of electrical resistance due to relatively
Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method Started mass production of cooling plate using copper die casting method Built-in mass production system by applying copper die casting method for cooling plate for super computer Signed a contract with Japanese company Kaga electron with FUJIKURA. Mass production began in March 2019. Super