Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries' COPPER ROTOR

Started mass production of Hyosung Heavy Industries' COPPER ROTOR (Copper rotor) From May 2019, the company started producing copper rotors and supplying them to Hyosung Heavy Industries. It is a rotor used for premium class (IE3) motors, and CASTMAN is the only company in Korea to have production technology and production results.

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Started mass production of EGR Mixer using the salt method

CASTMAN started mass production of EGR Mixer die casting using the salt core method for the first time in the world based on its excellent technology.

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Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method

Started mass production of COOLING PLATE applying copper die casting method Started mass production of cooling plate using copper die casting method Built-in mass production system by applying copper die casting method for cooling plate for super computer Signed a contract with Japanese company Kaga electron with FUJIKURA. Mass production began in March 2019.

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(주)캐스트맨의 주요 생산 제품

“High-quality die casting : Copper Roter / Salt Core Diecasting / Copper, Brass, Aluminum Parts.”

Salt Core Diecasting / Copper Roter / Copper, Brass, Aluminum Parts

Products Made by Replacing Sand Core with Salt Core Technology
Products Made by Replacing Sand Core with Salt Core Technology
Copper Die Casting For Heat Sink
Copper Die Casting For Heat Sink
Integrated Heat Sink with Cooling Capability
Integrated Heat Sink with Cooling Capability

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(주)캐스트맨이 대한민국 최대 생산제조기술 전시회(SIMTOS 2024)에 참여했습니다.

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Figure 1. The heat exchangers are modeled from bottom to top as layers 1 to 14, where the odd-numbered layers are water-side fins and the even-numbered layers are oil-side fins: (a) Heat exchangers model, (b) Simplified model of heat exchangers.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers via Non-Dominated Sequencing Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II)

1. 개요: 제목: Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers via Non-Dominated Sequencing Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) 저자: Shengchen Li, Zixin Deng, ...
Thermo-economic optimization for the advanced material selection of fins and heat sinks

Thermo-economic optimization for the advanced material selection of fins and heat sinks1. 개요:

1. 개요: 제목: Thermo-economic optimization for the advanced material selection of fins and heat sinks 저자: Hulusi Delibaş, İbrahim Halil ...
Vehicle giga-casting Al alloys technologies, applications, and beyond

기가캐스팅 기술의 발전과 자동차 산업 적용에 관한 종합적 고찰

Vehicle giga-casting Al alloys technologies, applications, and beyond 연구 목적 기가캐스팅 기술의 발전 과정과 현재 연구 동향을 종합적으로 분석하고, 자동차 ...
Die tool: (a) both tool half and the vacuum valve connection; (b) vacuum unit.

진공 보조 다이캐스팅(VPDC) 공정이 알루미늄 합금 다이캐스팅 피로 수명에 미치는 영향

Vacuum Support가 알루미늄 합금 다이캐스팅 피로수명에 미치는 영향 연구의 핵심 목적: 고압 다이캐스팅(HPDC)과 진공 보조 다이캐스팅(VPDC) 공정으로 제작된 AlSi9Cu3(Fe) 알루미늄 ...
Fig. 1. Paper's Methodology for analysing a production concept for vehicle production with Mega-casting and evaluation of its potential.

Mega-casting in the automotive production system: Expert interview-based impact analysis of large-format aluminium high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) on the vehicle production

개요 연구의 핵심 목적: 본 연구는 자동차 생산 시스템에서 대형 알루미늄 고압 다이캐스팅(HPDC)을 이용한 메가캐스팅의 파괴적 잠재력을 분석하고 자동차 생산 ...
Fig. 14. Pratt & Whitney F119 auxiliary casing in ELEKTRON WE43 alloy [37].

Magnesium casting technology for structural applications

연구 내용 연구의 핵심 목적: 마그네슘 합금의 용융 및 주조 공정을 요약하고, 자동차 산업을 중심으로 한 구조용 마그네슘 주조의 역사적 ...
Figure 6, This casting, produced in ZE41, weighs 620 Ibs. and is the main gearbox for the Westland WG34 helicopter.

Mg 주조 합금의 항공우주 분야 적용에 대한 과제

Abstract 연구의 핵심 목적: 항공우주 산업에서 사용되는 마그네슘 주조 합금의 기술적 장단점을 검토하고, 향상된 특성을 갖는 새로운 합금 개발 및 ...