This article introduces the paper ['On the potential of aluminum crossover alloys'] published by ['Elsevier'].
1. Overview:
- Title: On the potential of aluminum crossover alloys
- Author: Lukas Stemper, Matheus A. Tunes, Ramona Tosone, Peter J. Uggowitzer, and Stefan Pogatscher
- Publication Year: 2021
- Publishing Journal/Academic Society: Materials Science & Engineering: R: Reports
- Keywords: Aluminum alloys, Crossover alloys, Strength, Formability, Ductility, Sustainability, AlMgCu, AlMgZn, AlMgZn(Cu)
![Figure 1: (a) Equilibrium phase diagram Al-Cu-Mg at 190°C. (b) Evolution of yield strength in AlMgCu alloys with varying Cu/Mg ratios. Reprinted from [60] with permission from the JIM (Japan Institute of Metals and Materials)](
2. Abstracts or Introduction
The abstract of the paper states: "For almost a century commercial aluminum alloys were developed and optimized for high performance in a specific and narrow range of application, which commonly coincides with their industrial classification. Overcoming the limitations associated with the modern lightweighting concept requires new alloy design strategies that offer an expanded property portfolio with a better trade-off between formability and achievable strength. The associated materials would be key to circumventing the need for a multi material mix that diminishes the recyclability of the final product. This review summarizes current knowledge about a new class of materials, “crossover alloys", that combine advantageous properties normally limited to certain classes of commercial aluminum alloys. It focuses on the crossover alloys AlMg/AlCuMg (5xxx/2xxx) and AlMg/AlZnMg(Cu) (5xxx/7xxx). Recently available research data provides indications for superior formability with simultaneously high age-hardening potential, which may pave the way for broader industrial application in the foreseeable future. Because these new alloys exhibit Mg as their major constituent but are – in contrast to commercial AlMg alloys – age hardenable, they do not fit into the current alloy classification scheme. This review formalizes crossover alloys as a potential new aluminum alloy class which features an innovative alloy design methodology."
The introduction section of the paper elaborates on the global challenge of climate change and the increasing demand for lightweighting in the transportation sector to reduce CO2 emissions. While aluminum alloys are established as low-density substitutes for steel, their limited property spectrum and the need for multi-material solutions hinder recyclability. The paper introduces the concept of "crossover alloys" as a novel alloy design strategy to overcome these limitations by combining good formability and high strength in a single material, thereby potentially reducing the need for multi-material mixes.
3. Research Background:
Background of the Research Topic:
The research addresses the critical need for materials that support lightweighting in industries like automotive and transportation to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional lightweighting approaches using existing aluminum alloys are insufficient due to the trade-off between formability and strength, and limitations in recyclability arising from multi-material designs. The paper highlights that "Overcoming the limitations associated with the modern lightweighting concept requires new alloy design strategies that offer an expanded property portfolio with a better trade-off between formability and achievable strength."
Status of Existing Research:
Current commercial aluminum alloys are designed for specific applications with limited property spectra, categorized into series like 2xxx (AlCuMg), 5xxx (AlMg), and 7xxx (AlZnMg). Alloys like AlZnMg(Cu) offer high strength, while AlMg(Mn) alloys provide good formability, but a trade-off exists. AlMgSi alloys, despite their market dominance and good formability in soft condition, suffer from impaired formability when tuned for higher strength. The paper notes, "In terms of mechanical performance, commercial aluminum alloys usually offer poor formability during processing but high in-use strength [19–21] or good formability but only moderate final strength [21,22]."
Necessity of the Research:
The research is necessary to develop new aluminum alloys that can simultaneously offer both good formability during processing and high strength in application. This is crucial for simplifying manufacturing processes, enhancing product recyclability, and achieving more sustainable lightweighting solutions. The paper emphasizes that "Overcoming the limitations associated with state-of-the-art lightweighting concepts requires the development of new alloy design strategies capable of delivering an extended property portfolio which features both good formability during processing and high strength in use."
4. Research Purpose and Research Questions:
Research Purpose:
The primary research purpose is to review and formalize the concept of "crossover alloys" as a new class of aluminum alloys. These alloys are designed to bridge the property gap between different classes of commercial aluminum alloys, specifically aiming to combine the formability of AlMg(Mn) alloys (5xxx series) with the strengthening capabilities of AlCu(Mg) (2xxx series) and AlZnMg(Cu) alloys (7xxx series). The review aims to consolidate current knowledge and highlight the innovative alloy design methodology behind crossover alloys.
Key Research:
The key research focuses on characterizing and understanding the properties of AlMgCu and AlMgZn based crossover alloys. Specifically, the paper investigates:
- AlMgCu crossover alloys (5xxx/2xxx): Examining the age-hardening behavior and the role of Cu additions in AlMg alloys, particularly in relation to paint bake hardening and precipitation of S-phase.
- AlMgZn crossover alloys (5xxx/7xxx): Exploring the hardening mechanisms through T-phase precipitation, corrosion resistance improvements with Zn additions, and the effects of processing parameters on achieving desired properties.
- AlMgZn(Cu) crossover alloys (5xxx/7xxx with Cu): Analyzing the combined effects of Zn and Cu additions on hardening response, corrosion resistance, and weldability, and the underlying precipitation sequences involving T- and S-phases.
Research Hypotheses:
While not explicitly stated as hypotheses, the research operates under the premise that:
- Crossover alloying, by combining elements from different alloy series, can create aluminum alloys with enhanced property portfolios, specifically improved formability and high strength.
- AlMg-based alloys can be made age-hardenable by controlled additions of Cu and/or Zn, leading to the formation of strengthening precipitates like S-phase and T-phase.
- These new crossover alloys can offer a better trade-off between formability and strength compared to traditional aluminum alloys, and improve recyclability by reducing the need for multi-material designs.
5. Research Methodology
Research Design:
This paper is designed as a comprehensive literature review. It synthesizes and analyzes existing research data and findings related to AlMgCu, AlMgZn, and AlMgZn(Cu) crossover alloys. The review systematically examines publications to consolidate knowledge and provide an overview of this emerging class of aluminum alloys.
Data Collection Method:
The data is collected through an extensive review of published literature, including research articles, conference papers, and technical reports. The authors have compiled information from various studies investigating the composition, processing, microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of crossover alloys.
Analysis Method:
The analysis method involves a descriptive and comparative approach. The authors analyze and summarize the findings from different research papers, comparing the properties and performance of AlMgCu, AlMgZn, and AlMgZn(Cu) crossover alloys. They interpret the reported data, focusing on the age-hardening mechanisms, precipitation sequences, corrosion resistance, formability, and weldability of these alloys. The analysis aims to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities associated with crossover alloy design.
Research Subjects and Scope:
The research subjects are primarily AlMgCu, AlMgZn, and AlMgZn(Cu) crossover alloys. The scope of the review is focused on:
- Compositional Design: Examining the role of alloying elements like Mg, Cu, and Zn and their ratios in achieving crossover alloy properties.
- Processing Methods: Analyzing the impact of different heat treatments (aging, solutionizing, pre-aging), and processing techniques (ECAP, HPDC, FSW, WAAM) on the microstructure and properties of crossover alloys.
- Property Characterization: Reviewing the mechanical properties (strength, formability, ductility), corrosion resistance (IGC, SCC, pitting, filiform, exfoliation), and weldability of crossover alloys.
- Microstructural Analysis: Summarizing the precipitation sequences and phase transformations in crossover alloys, particularly the formation of S-phase and T-phase precipitates.
6. Main Research Results:
Key Research Results:
- AlMgCu Crossover Alloys: Adding Cu to AlMg alloys leads to age hardening due to S-phase precipitation. These alloys can compensate for strength loss during paint bake processes. Recrystallization annealing at medium temperatures is insufficient for age hardening potential unless high-temperature solutionizing and quenching are applied. ECAP processing can further enhance strength. Cu addition also improves resistance to intergranular corrosion and filiform corrosion.
- AlMgZn Crossover Alloys: Hardening in AlMgZn alloys is primarily due to T-phase precipitation. Zn additions enhance corrosion resistance by suppressing anodic β-phase. Increasing Zn content and solutionizing treatments increase yield strength. Pre-aging treatments accelerate hardening response. These alloys exhibit high strain hardening rates and improved stretch-formability.
- AlMgZn(Cu) Crossover Alloys: Combined Zn and Cu additions offer synergistic effects on hardening and corrosion resistance. At early aging stages, Mg-Cu clusters dominate hardening, followed by T-phase development. Pre-aging treatments in low-Cu AlMgZn alloys accelerate hardening and refine T-phase precipitates. Cu addition improves thermal stability and strengthening ability of precursors, preventing precipitate-free zones and enhancing IGC resistance. These alloys also show good weldability and potential for WAAM applications.
Analysis of presented data:
- AlMgCu Alloys (Figure 1, 2): Figure 1 shows the equilibrium phase diagram and yield strength evolution with aging, demonstrating the hardening response of AlMgCu alloys. Figure 2 illustrates the effect of processing and aging temperature on yield strength, highlighting the paint bake hardening effect and the influence of pre-deformation.
- AlMgZn Alloys (Figure 3, 4): Figure 3 shows the effect of Zn content on yield strength and stress-strain curves, demonstrating the hardening potential with Zn addition. Figure 4 presents Kocks-Mecking plots comparing strain hardening rates of AlMgZn crossover alloys with commercial alloys, indicating superior stretch-forming performance.
- AlMgZn(Cu) Alloys (Figure 5, 6): Figure 5 shows the hardening response of AlMg alloys with varying Zn and Cu content, and the effect of pre-aging. Figure 6 schematically illustrates precipitate development in AlMgZn(Cu) alloys with and without pre-aging, explaining the role of Cu in T-phase precipitation.
Figure Name List:
![Figure 2: Evolution of yield strength with applied processing/aging. (a) AlMg4.6Cu0.54 (wt.%); values correspond to 30 min of aging [70]. (b) AlMg5.4Cu0.33 (wt.%), batch-annealed (350°C/1 h, slow cooling, black lines), solution heat treated (450°C/10 min, fast cooling, red lines) [71]. Reprinted from [70,71] with permission from Elsevier. Figures are slightly modified for easier readability.](
![Figure 3: Effect of Zn content on the yield strength of crossover alloys. Plots in (a) after stabilization (250°C/1 h) [109]; (b) after solutionizing and natural aging for 60 days, where onset of serrated flow is shifted to higher strain levels [114]; (c) engineering stress-strain curves after solution annealing (430°C/10 min) and quenching; (d) engineering stress-strain curves after aging for 24 h at 120°C [117]. (Reprinted from [109,114,117] with permission from Elsevier and Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.)](
![Figure 4: Kocks-Mecking-plots [127] of AlMg4.7Zn3.6 (PA 100°C/3h, black line), AlMg4.7Zn3.6Cu0.6 (PA 100°C/3h, red line), EN AW-5182 (soft annealed, blue line), EN AW-6016 (PA 100°C/5h, green line) and EN AW-7075 (PA 120°C/2h, pink line). Both crossover alloys exhibit a significantly higher level of strain hardening rate over the full range of plastic stress indicating a more beneficial stretch-forming performance. σ0 -values correspond to Rp0.2 (PA) shown in Table 3. Reprinted from [106] with permission from Elsevier. Note that figure has been slightly modified for easier readability.](
![Figure 5: (a) Hardening response of AlMg alloys with varying Zn- and Cu content during aging at 180°C [115]; (b) Hardening response of AlMg5.2Zn2.0Cu0.45 upon aging at 180°C without (black line) and with (red line) prior pre-aging (80°C/12 h) [97]. Reprinted from [97,115] with permission from Elsevier.](
![Figure 6: Schematic illustration of precipitate development in AlMg5.2Zn2.0Cu0.45 upon aging at 180°C with
(a) and without (b) prior pre-aging (80°C/12 h) [97]. Reprinted from [97] with permission from Elsevier.](
- Figure 1: (a) Equilibrium phase diagram Al-Cu-Mg at 190°C. (b) Evolution of yield strength in AlMgCu alloys with varying Cu/Mg ratios.
- Figure 2: Evolution of yield strength with applied processing/aging. (a) AlMg4.6Cu0.54 (wt.%); values correspond to 30 min of aging [70]. (b) AlMg5.4Cu0.33 (wt.%), batch-annealed (350°C/1 h, slow cooling, black lines), solution heat treated (450°C/10 min, fast cooling, red lines) [71].
- Figure 3: Effect of Zn content on the yield strength of crossover alloys. Plots in (a) after stabilization (250°C/1 h) [109]; (b) after solutionizing and natural aging for 60 days, where onset of serrated flow is shifted to higher strain levels [114]; (c) engineering stress-strain curves after solution annealing (430°C/10 min) and quenching; (d) engineering stress-strain curves after aging for 24 h at 120°C [117].
- Figure 4: Kocks-Mecking-plots [127] of AlMg4.7Zn3.6 (PA 100°C/3h, black line), AlMg4.7Zn3.6Cu0.6 (PA 100°C/3h, red line), EN AW-5182 (soft annealed, blue line), EN AW-6016 (PA 100°C/5h, green line) and EN AW-7075 (PA 120°C/2h, pink line).
- Figure 5: (a) Hardening response of AlMg alloys with varying Zn- and Cu content during aging at 180°C [115]; (b) Hardening response of AlMg5.2Zn2.0Cu0.45 upon aging at 180°C without (black line) and with (red line) prior pre-aging (80°C/12 h) [97].
- Figure 6: Schematic illustration of precipitate development in AlMg5.2Zn2.0Cu0.45 upon aging at 180°C with (a) and without (b) prior pre-aging (80°C/12 h) [97].
7. Conclusion:
Summary of Key Findings:
The review concludes that crossover alloys, particularly AlMgCu, AlMgZn, and AlMgZn(Cu) systems, represent a promising new class of aluminum alloys. They offer a pathway to overcome the traditional trade-off between formability and strength in aluminum alloys. AlMgCu alloys address paint bake softening and improve corrosion resistance. AlMgZn alloys enhance corrosion resistance and achieve significant hardening through T-phase precipitation. AlMgZn(Cu) alloys provide even greater strengthening potential and improved corrosion resistance by synergistically combining Zn and Cu. These alloys exhibit good formability, comparable to or better than commercially available alloys.
Academic Significance of the Study:
This study formalizes the concept of "crossover alloys" as a distinct and innovative alloy design strategy within metallurgy. It provides a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge, highlighting the scientific principles behind their design and performance. The review contributes to the academic understanding of precipitation hardening mechanisms in AlMg-based alloys with Cu and Zn additions, and their impact on mechanical and corrosion properties.
Practical Implications:
Crossover alloys have significant practical implications for various industries, especially in transportation and automotive sectors. Their potential to combine high strength and good formability can enable the design of lighter and more structurally efficient components. The enhanced corrosion resistance and weldability of these alloys further broaden their application potential. By reducing the need for multi-material solutions, crossover alloys can also contribute to improved recyclability and more sustainable manufacturing practices.
Limitations of the Study and Areas for Future Research:
The review acknowledges that experimental data on the formability of crossover alloys is still limited, and further research is required to fully characterize their forming behavior and optimize processing parameters. Future research should focus on:
- Comprehensive experimental validation of formability and joining characteristics.
- Optimization of alloy compositions and processing routes for specific applications.
- Deeper investigation into the long-term performance and durability of crossover alloys in various service environments.
- Exploring the full potential of crossover alloying beyond the 5xxx/2xxx and 5xxx/7xxx combinations, potentially covering the entire aluminum alloy spectrum.
- Further research into the recyclability aspects of crossover alloys to fully realize their sustainability potential.
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9. Copyright:
- This material is "Lukas Stemper, Matheus A. Tunes, Ramona Tosone, Peter J. Uggowitzer and Stefan Pogatscher"'s paper: Based on "On the potential of aluminum crossover alloys".
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