Satyam Singh; Manish Dixit; Vikash Dwivedi
High pressure die casting (HPDC) is particularly suitable for high production rate and it is applied in various industry actually approximately 50 % of the world production of Low weight metal casting age find out by this technology. In this paper, the process to determine the estimated cost of high-pressure die casting (HPDC) is studied. The study consists of two parts (i)based on comprehensive data analysis,and (ii)based onthe formulation of the algorithms for cost estimation. From these analytical study we find out that the cost is optimized from previous refrences. This paper presents the connection between the algorithms formed for cost estimation and the dimensions and features of the product developed. The study presents accurate results between geometrical features and cost estimation.
cost estimation, knowledge comprehension, High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC)
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