AI-Diecasting 공법을 적용한 경전철용 AC 견인전동기 개발
Lee, J.I. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd) ; Park, J.T. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd) ; Lee, J.I. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd) ; Kwon, J.L. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd) ; Woo, J.Y. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd) ; Jo, B.H. (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd)
이정일 (현대중공업(주)) ; 박정태 (현대중공업(주)) ; 이종인 (현대중공업(주)) ; 권중록 (현대중공업(주)) ; 우종열 (현대중공업(주)) ; 조봉환 (현대중공업(주))
In this material, a traction motor for light railway vehicle was developed. Aluminium -Diecasting process was selected in order to reduce the manufacturing cost of making rotor bars and rotor rings of the motor, instead of copper or copper alloy rotor bars and rotor rings. And the results of experiment satisfied the international standard IEC 349-2.