Figure 16. DC-Bus IGBT heatsink and capacitance.

Three-Phase 75 kW Brushless Direct Current Motor for Electric Vehicles: Different Power Stage Design, Calculation of Losses, Cooling Techniques, and Comparison

1. 개요: 제목: Three-Phase 75 kW Brushless Direct Current Motor for Electric Vehicles: Different Power Stage Design, Calculation of Losses, ...
Figure 5 Aluminum wiring in automotive vehicles: a time line of application of aluminum in automotive wiring, reproduced from [53]; b high-strength aluminum alloy wire installed in the engine harness, reproduced from [57]; c die-cast aluminum coil for motor winding with seven turns and a conductor height of approx. 1.5 mm along with d coil arrangement, reproduced from [264]; e hairpin motor using aluminum V-cat windings, reproduced from [59]; f insulated and bare AA1350 aluminum of 7 AWG square tested for hairpin winding of electric motors and copper wire for comparison along with stress vs strain elongation curves, reproduced from [11].

Aluminum alloys for electrical engineering: a review

1. 개요: 제목: Aluminum alloys for electrical engineering: a review 저자: Frank Czerwinski 발행 연도: 2024 발행 학술지/학회: J Mater ...
Figure 4. Cross Section of Stator of 3‐F Induction Motor.

A Review of Recent Trends in High Efficiency Induction Motor Drives

1. 개요: 제목: A Review of Recent Trends in High Efficiency Induction Motor Drives 저자: Mohamed Ahmed Azab 발행 연도: ...
Effective Applications of Copper HPDC Manufacturing

Effective Applications of Copper HPDC Manufacturing

구리(Cu) 고압 다이캐스팅(HPDC)을 사용하여 제조할 때 효과적인 제품들의 목록입니다. 비용과 성능 측면에서의 효과는 제조 방식 이외에도 소재 특성, 설계, 적용 ...
/ Copper-K, Fixed Page-K
Fig. 1. Squeeze casting device.

Effect of Applying Pressure of High Pressure Diecasting Process Using Salt core

용탕단조 시 저온염코어 적용 가압력의 영향 Journal of Korea Foundry Society (한국주조공학회지) Lee, Jun-Ho (R & D Division for Hyundai ...
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Figure 3. Casting of SB 55 variant with gating system.

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"혁신적인 제품 개발을 위한 파트너!" (주)캐스트맨은 혁신적인 제품을 만들기 위한 최고의 파트너입니다. 제품의 아이디어에서부터 생산까지, CASTMAN의 엔지니어링 팀과 협력하여 제품을 ...
Air-conditioner Compressor 0.75kW

구리 고압 다이캐스팅 | COPPER DIE CASTING

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