Figure 5. A concept of lightweight design through topology optimization

Figure 5. A concept of lightweight design through topology optimization: (a) topology optimization work-flow, with the example of a 75% mass reduction for a cube under a compressive load on the top face; (b) post-optimization result, showing element pseudo-densities of >0.25; and (c) structural member of the vehicle suspension assembly after EBM manufacturing and CNC machining [25].

Figure 5. A concept of lightweight design through topology optimization: (a) topology optimization work-flow, with the example of a 75% mass reduction for a cube under a compressive load on the top face; (b) post-optimization result, showing element pseudo-densities of >0.25; and (c) structural member of the vehicle suspension assembly after EBM manufacturing and CNC machining [25].

Figure 5. A concept of lightweight design through topology optimization: (a) topology optimization work-flow, with the example of a 75% mass reduction for a cube under a compressive load on the top face; (b) post-optimization result, showing element pseudo-densities of >0.25; and (c) structural member of the vehicle suspension assembly after EBM manufacturing and CNC machining [25].