솔트 코어 | Salt Core

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혁신적인 제조 공법: CASTMAN의 솔트 코어 기술 (장용실상 수상 기술)

First Company in the World to Produce EGR Mixer using Salt Core Technology (For Hyundai Motors Kappa 1.5)
First Company in the World to Produce EGR Mixer using Salt Core Technology (For Hyundai Motors Kappa 1.5)

솔트코어 공법 적용이 가능한 주요 제품

Products Made by Replacing Sand Core with Salt Core Technology
Products Made by Replacing Sand Core with Salt Core Technology
Application to Products with cooling channel
Application to Products with cooling channel

Combine two separate parts into one piece
Combine two separate parts into one piece

Main products produced by the Salt Core method