Figure 2: Example V8 engine block die casting
(photo permission from Mercury Marine)Figure 14: Biscuity, runner, gating, and venting system on casting
(photo permission from Mercury Marine)
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List of Abbreviations
AFS – American Foundry Society
AI – Artificial Intelligence
BoB – Best of Best
CET – Critical Error Threshold
CT Scanning – Computed Tomography Scanning
HPDC – High Pressure Die Casting
IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things
IT – Information Technology
INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
ML – Machine Learning
MQTT – Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
NADCA – North American Die Casting Association
NN – Neural Network
OPC UA – Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture
OT – Operational Technology
PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
PSI – Pounds per Square Inch
RPM – Revolutions per Minute
SE – Systems Engineering
SoS – Systems-of-Systems
SVM – Support Vector Machine
WoW – Worst of worst
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